Editorial: Synergy and Experiential Knowledge in Collaboration – The Experiential Knowledge SIG
Author: Nithikul Nimkulrat
peer-reviewed conference paper, 2020
The selected papers for the EKSIG section at the DRS 2020: Synergy present case studies that address tacit knowledge generated and communicated in the processes of making and designing that take place as collaborations, in one way or another, between the maker and the material, the maker and the designer, or the maker and the user. The papers relate to the fundamental issue of the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG) that is concerned with the understanding and role of knowledge in research and professional design practice. It is also linked to the trend that EKSIG is leading with regard to how joint experiential knowledge is accumulated and communicated in and through collaborations or collaborative processes, how synergy between collaborators is generated, and how such knowledge is embodied in the outputs and may be traced back to the origin of the practice.
Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N. (2020). Editorial: Synergy and Experiential Knowledge in Collaboration – the Experiential Knowledge SIG. In S. Boess, M. Cheung, & R. Cain (eds.) Proceedings of 2020 Design Research Society Conference (DRS2020) Vol. 5: Processes (pp. 2323–2325). https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2020.124.