Documentation as a Practice-Led Research Tool for Reflection on Experiential Knowledge
Authors: Maarit Mäkelä, Nithikul Nimkulrat
peer-reviewed journal article, 2018
Practice-led research has been under debate for three decades. One of its major issues concerns how the researcher who is also the practitioner documents and reflects on her creative process in relation to a research topic. This article reviews and discusses documentation and reflection in practice-led research through three cases of doctoral dissertations that were completed at Aalto University in Finland. Through the cases the article examines the role the documentation and reflection of creative processes and products in these studies. In conclusion, documentation in the practice-led research context functions as conscious reflection on and in action. Any means of documentation, for example diary writing, photographing, or sketching, can serve as a mode of reflection.
Suggested Citation: Mäkelä, M. & Nimkulrat, N. (2018). Documentation as a Practice-Led Research Tool for Reflection on Experiential Knowledge. Form Akademisk - Forskningstidsskrift for Design Og Designdidaktikk, 11(2). DOI: 10.7577/formakademisk.1818.