Making in the Digital Era
Authors: Nithikul Nimkulrat, Camilla Groth
peer-reviewed conference paper, 2022
This paper track examines the new and changing materiality of design prac-tice, caused by digitalization and new fabrication techniques, and its challenges and benefits. Several areas of design practice and research involve processes of making things. More often such processes unfold in a hybrid form combining both making by hand and with tools, both analogue and digital. The track illuminates designers’ and makers’ insider perspectives and embodied experience in such hybrid analogue and digital material processes. Many of the contributions also discuss collaborative making and how these hybrid forms of crafting are shared and distributed. Traditional, even indigenous crafts, take on new shapes and functions in the meeting with technology rich forms of making that still relates on embodied knowledge related to the materials and making processes. This track opens up many new avenues and ways of conceptualizing the role of knowledge in design and making.
Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N., & Groth, C. (2024). Making in the Digital Era. In C. Gray, E. Ciliotta Chehade, P. Hekkert, L. Forlano, P. Ciuccarelli, & P. Lloyd (eds.), Proceedings of 2024 Design Research Society Conference (DRS2024). 24–28 June, Boston, MA, USA.