TraceS of Craft Experience in Artefacts

Author: Nithikul Nimkulrat

book chapter, 2024

In this chapter, I examine how I, as a craft practitioner, can trace back my experiential knowledge embedded in an artefact I have created. What took place in the actual creation that might be implicit even to the practitioner at the time becomes explicit and visible in the artefact, as traces of the hands or tools can be seen over its surface and form. Through examples of analogue and digital craft processes and artefacts, I argue that traces of the practitioner’s craft experience perceptible on the artefacts not only embody and reflect the practitioner’s skill and time but also evoke their memories and bestow the value of their experience.

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Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N. (2024). Traces of Craft Experience in Artefacts. In N. Nimkulrat & C. Groth (Eds). Craft and Design Practice from an Embodied Perspective (pp. 141–154. Routledge.